Keyboard Shortcuts
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Keyboard Shortcuts

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This is a list of many Keyboard Shortcuts I encountered / Use now in my work with Computers. I will try to keep this list up to date. If you have any suggestions, please let me know by opening an issue on Github.

The .json file for all the Keyboard Shortcuts is here.

I also defined a json schema for the file, which you can find here. It’s a lot of fun and it really streamlines the process of adding new shortcuts, because they have to adhere to the schema. It really pays of to learn about json schema.

Applications / Places


These Shortcuts work in most programs, but still watch out for program specific shortcuts.

Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
tab Move Between focusable Elements
shift + tab Move Between focusable Elements backwards
home Jump to the Start
end Jump to the End
arrows Move cursor
ctrl + arrows Move cursor word by word
shift + arrows Move cursor while selecting
ctrl + shift + arrows Move cursor while selecting word by word
delete Delete
ctrl + backspace Delete the whole Word
ctrl + c Copy
ctrl + v Insert
ctrl + x Cut
ctrl + z Undo
ctrl + y Redo
ctrl + f Search
ctrl + h Search and Replace
ctrl + g Go to
ctrl + a Select All
ctrl + s Save
ctrl + shift + s Save As
ctrl + n New File
ctrl + w Close Document
ctrl + p Print
escape Close Popup
F1 Open Help
F2 Rename
F3 Search
F4 Focus path location Input, for example in the Explorer and Browser
F5 Refresh
F6 Cycle through screen elements in a window or on the desktop
F11 Toggle Full Screen

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File Explorer

These shortcuts work in the integrated File Explorer of the Windows Operating System.

Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
ctrl + l Focus Path Input
alt + up Go one folder up
alt + left Go back in history
alt + right Go forward in history
enter Open File / Folder
alt + enter View File / Folder Properties
ctrl + shift + n New Folder
ctrl + space Toggle selection of current File
ctrl + arrows Move between items without losing focus
ctrl + shift + e Display all folders above the selected folder
alt + shift + p Toggle the details pane
alt + p Toggle the preview pane
num* Display all sub-folder under the selected folder [When in tree view on the left]
num+ Expand current folder [When in tree view on the left]
num- Collapse current folder[When in tree view on the left]
ctrl + alt + +/- Cycle through view layouts
ctrl + shift + 1 Switch to view layout ‘Extra large icons’
ctrl + shift + 2 Switch to view layout ‘Large Icons’
ctrl + shift + 3 Switch to view layout ‘Medium Icons’
ctrl + shift + 4 Switch to view layout ‘Small Icons’
ctrl + shift + 5 Switch to view layout ‘List’
ctrl + shift + 6 Switch to view layout ‘Details’
ctrl + shift + 7 Switch to view layout ‘Tiles’
ctrl + shift + 8 Switch to view layout ‘Content’

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These shortcuts apply to the Windows Operating System. They are mostly not specific to a program. There’s also this funny website for taking screenshots.


Shortcut Description
Windows + nothing Open the start menu, type anything to search
ctrl + escape Open the start menu, if not overwritten by program, type anything to search
alt + space Open the search bar (Windows PowerToys, by default)
Windows + c Open Microsoft Edge, if installed
shift + F10 Open Context Menu, also works in a lot of programs by windows
alt + F4 Close Window
Windows + down Minimize Window
alt + tab View open Applications, in current virtual desktop
delete Close Application [When viewing open applications in current virtual desktop]
alt + escape Go back in Window Focus History
Windows + arrows Move active window on the screen
Windows + shift + arrows Move active window to another Screen in the same manner as on the current one
alt + space Open the window options for the current window
shift + nothing Show possible window snapping points [When in window resize mode, from the window options menu]
Windows + e Open File Explorer
Windows + l Lock Windows
Windows + shift + s Start Snipping Tool
Windows + d Show Desktop
Windows + a Open action Center
Windows + x Open the Quick Link Menu
Windows + m Minimize all windows, second strokes restores other windows
Windows + p Open projections settings
Windows + shift + m Restore all minimized windows
Windows + home Minimize all windows but the active one
Windows + pause Show computer infos
Windows + b Focus hidden icons panel in taskbar
Windows + alt + number Open jump list in the given app in taskbar
ctrl + Windows + c Toggle color filters [When enabled in color blindnes settings]
Windows + h Start voice typing
Windows + k Open Cast Settings
ctrl + Windows + q Open Quick Assist
Windows + r Open the Run dialog box
Windows + s Open Windows Search, can be omitted by pressing window and then typing
Windows + t Cycle through apps on the taskbar
Windows + u Open Accessibility Settings
Windows + shift + v Set focus to a notification
Windows + . Open Emoji Panel
Windows + , Display the desktop temporariley until you release the Windows logo
ctrl + Windows + f Search for PCs
Windows + number Open this app pinned in the taskbar or switch to it
Windows + shift + f Start new instance of this pinned taskbar app
Windows + shift + up Stretch current window to full height
ctrl + Windows + n Turn on Windows Narrator
Windows + + Open magnifier and zoom in
Windows + - Zoomm out in the magnifier app
Windows + escape Close magnifier app
shift + click Open another instance of this app [When clicking on an app in the taskbar]
Windows + tab Open task view
ctrl + Windows + left/right Switch between Virtual Desktops
ctrl + Windows + d Create new Virtual Desktop
ctrl + Windows + F4 Close current Virtual Desktop
alt + shift + print Toggle High Contrast Mode
Windows + v Open Clipboard History
Windows + i Open Settings
Windows + space Switch Language Mode
ctrl + shift + escape Open Task Manager
Windows + alt + d Open Windows Calendar in the bottom right
ctrl + Windows + shift + b Restart Graphicscard Drivers
ctrl + Windows + alt + shift + d Open OneDrive
ctrl + Windows + alt + shift + o Open Outlook inbox

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Browser (Microsoft Edge)

These shortcuts apply to Microsoft Edge. You can also get the Vimium extension to enhance your browsing experience even more.


Shortcut Description
ctrl + q Open the command palette
ctrl + l Focus URL Input
ctrl + number Switch to corresponding tab
ctrl + tab Switch to right tab
ctrl + shift + tab Switch to left tab
ctrl + t New Tab
ctrl + w Close Tab
ctrl + shift + w Close current window
ctrl + j Show Downloads
ctrl + shift + k Duplicate Tab
F12 Open Dev Tools
ctrl + shift + t Open most recently closed tab or if edge is started freshly open all recent tabs from the last session
ctrl + u Show Source Code
ctrl + shift + 2 Toggle split screen
ctrl + shift + b Toggle favorites bar
ctrl + d Save the current tab as a favorite
ctrl + shift + d Save all open tabs as favorites in a new folder
alt + shift + b Focus on the first item in the favorites bar
ctrl + shift + e Open search in sidebar
alt + e Open Settings and more panel
ctrl + h Open History
ctrl + shift + n Open a new InPrivate window
ctrl + shift + l Paste and search or Paste and go, if its a URL
ctrl + shift + o Open favorites
ctrl + shift + p Print using the system dialog
ctrl + shift + v Paste without formatting
ctrl + 9 Switch to the last tab
alt + left Go back in history
alt + right Go forward in history
F6 Move focus to the next pane, can be used to break out tabs and reinsert them
shift + F6 Move focus to the previous pane
ctrl + F6 Move focus to the web content pane
F7 Toggle caret browsing
ctrl + left/right Move tabs left or right [When focused on them]
ctrl + shift + c Open Dev Tools with Select Tool
ctrl + shift + m Toggle Device Simulation [When in DevTools]
ctrl + shift + h Show infos about active dev tools [When in DevTools]
ctrl + shift + j Open Dev Tool Console or close Dev Tools
ctrl + shift + p Open Command Palette in Dev Tools [When in DevTools]
escape Toggle drawer
shift + escape Maximize/Minimize Drawer
ctrl + shift + a Search tabs
ctrl + shift + § Toggle sidebar
ctrl + shift + , Toggle vertical tabs
shift + escape Open the browser task manager

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The Browser Extension for Google Chrome and MS Edge. It allows you to navigate the web with just your keyboard. It’s Awesome!


Shortcut Description
f Open Link Selection
shift + f Open Link Selection for new Tab
t New Tab
x Close Tab
j Scroll Down
k Scroll Up
g g Go to Start
y y Copy the url of the current page
shift + g Go to End

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These shortcuts are for the Godot Engine (Version 3.x and 4.x).

Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
q Select Mode [When in 2D]
w Move Mode [When in 2D]
r Rotate Mode [When in 2D]
s Scale Mode [When in 2D]
ctrl + a Open Node Menu
F5 Play Main Scene
F6 Play Current Scene
F7 Pause Running Project
ctrl + F1 Switch to 2D Editor
ctrl + F2 Switch to 3D Editor
ctrl + F3 Switch to Script
shift + g Use Gridsnap [When in 2D]
ctrl + g Toggle Grid [When in 2D]
ctrl + r Replace [When in Code]
ctrl + shift + d Duplicate Line [When in Code]
ctrl + shift + F11 Toggle distraction Free Mode
ctrl + shift + p Open Command Palette
ctrl + shift + . Switch to next Script [When in Script Editor]
ctrl + shift + , Switch to previous Script [When in Script Editor]
ctrl + shift + r Replace in Files [When in Script Editor]
alt + shift + up Move Script up [When in Script Editor]
alt + shift + down Move Script down [When in Script Editor]
ctrl + k Toggle Comment [When in Script Editor]
alt + f Toggle Line Folding [When in Script Editor]
ctrl + shift + c Copy Path [When in FileSystem Dock]
ctrl + shift + c Copy Property Path [When in Property Inspector]
shift + F12 Expand Bottom Panel
shift + F11 Toggle Fullscreen
ctrl + g Group Current Node
ctrl + shift + g Ungroup Current Node
ctrl + l Lock Current Node
ctrl + shift + l Unlock Current Node
ctrl + n New Scene
ctrl + shift + n New Inherited Scene
f Center Selection [When in 2D]
shift + f Fit Selection to Viewport [When in 2D]

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Visual Studio Code

Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
alt + shift + i Add cursors to ends of all currently selected lines
ctrl + alt + up/down Duplicate cursor up/down
ctrl + shift + l Select all occurences of the current word
alt + enter Select all found occurences [When in Code Search]
alt + r Toggle Regex [When in Code Search]
ctrl + l Select current line
ctrl + d Select next occurence of the current word
ctrl + k ctrl + d Select next but one occurence of the current word
F12 Jump to definition
ctrl + shift + ' Fold current level
ctrl + shift + ^ Unfold current level
alt + shift + f Format all code
alt + shift + a Block comment
ctrl + shift + enter Insert empty line
alt + shift + up/down Duplicate line up/down
alt + up/down Move this line up/down
alt + number Switch to open editor within group
ctrl + number Switch to or Create corresponding Editor group
ctrl + F4 Close editor group
ctrl + j Toggle bottom panel
ctrl + b Toggle primary side panel
ctrl + shift + p Open command palette
ctrl + shift + e Open integrated explorer
alt + shift + r Open file in OS explorer [When in Integrated Explorer]
ctrl + pagedown Switch to right file in group
ctrl + pageup Switch to left file in group
ctrl + shift + x Open extensions
ctrl + shift + 5 Split current terminal [When in Terminal]
ctrl + k z Toggle zen mode
ctrl + shift + c Open new external terminal
ctrl + , Open settings
ctrl + p Open file search
ctrl + t Open symbol search
ctrl + space Show context snippets
ctrl + shift + space Show function parameters
ctrl + k m Choose language mode
ctrl + . View code actions
F8 Cycle through problems begining with the nearest

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Office General

These shortcuts apply to Microsoft Office and other Microsoft programs.

Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
ctrl + F1 Toggle ribbon menu visibility
dblclick Toggle ribbon visibility [When clicking on any ribbon Menu Button]
alt + nothing / F10 Start ribbon navigation
ctrl + left/right Move between command groupings in the ribbon menu
ctrl + shift + F10 Show the tooltip for the ribbon element currently in focus
alt + down Open the menu for the selected button [When focused on a command in the ribbon menu]
ctrl + number Switch to corresponding view in the left sidebar if there is one, for example outlook and teams
ctrl + Windows + alt + shift + n Open OneNote [When anywhere in Windows]
ctrl + Windows + alt + shift + w Open Word [When anywhere in Windows]
ctrl + Windows + alt + shift + x Open Excl [When anywhere in Windows]
ctrl + Windows + alt + shift + p Open Powerpoint [When anywhere in Windows]
ctrl + Windows + alt + shift + l Open LinkedIn [When anywhere in Windows]
ctrl + alt + v Paste special [When in a Rich Text Editor]
ctrl + b Bold selection [When in a Rich Text Editor]
ctrl + i Italic selection [When in a Rich Text Editor]
ctrl + u Underline selection [When in a Rich Text Editor]
ctrl + shift + w Underline selection, but only words not whitespace [When in a Rich Text Editor]
ctrl + l Align text left [When in a Rich text Editor]
ctrl + e Align text center [When in a Rich text Editor]
ctrl + r Align text right [When in a Rich text Editor]
ctrl + j Justify text [When in a Rich text Editor]
alt + shift + up/down Move paragraph up or down [When in a Rich text Editor]
ctrl + t Create hanging indent [When in a Rich text Editor]
ctrl + shift + t Remove hanging indent [When in a Rich text Editor]
ctrl + q Remove paragraph formatting [When in a Rich text Editor]
ctrl + shift + n Apply the normal style
ctrl + alt + 1 Apply heading 1 style
ctrl + alt + 2 Apply heading 2 style
ctrl + alt + 3 Apply heading 3 style
ctrl + 1 Apply single spacing to paragraph
ctrl + 2 Apply double spacing to paragraph
ctrl + 5 Apply 1-5 spacing to the paragraph
ctrl + shift + c Copy format of current selection [When in a Rich Text Editor]
ctrl + shift + v Paste format to current selection [When in a Rich Text Editor]
F2 Start object movement, confirm by pressing enter
shift + F2 Start object copying, confirm by pressing enter
F8 Expand selection
shift + F8 Reduce selection
ctrl + k Insert or edit link [When in a Rich Text Editor]
F11 Select next Link [When in a Rich Text Editor]
shift + F11 Select previous Link [When in a Rich Text Editor]
ctrl + y Repeat last action [When in a Rich Text Editor]
alt + shift + up Move line up [When in a Rich Text Editor]
alt + shift + down Move line down [When in a Rich Text Editor]
ctrl + alt + 5 Cycle through floating objects [When in a Rich Text Editor]

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Microsoft Word

Also look at Microsoft in General and Windows because some of these also apply.

Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
ctrl + enter Insert page break
shift + enter Insert line break
shift + F1 Open reveal formatting panel
F4 Repeat last command
F7 Open editor panel, for grammar and spelling check
shift + F7 Open thesaurus panel
alt + down Open text proposal window [When in Rich Text editor]
ctrl + alt + s Toggle window split
ctrl + shift + e Toggle document access mode
alt + w f Switch to the read mode view
ctrl + alt + p Switch to the print layout view
ctrl + alt + o Switch to the outline view
ctrl + alt + n Switch to the draft view
ctrl + shift + ( Toggle paragraph markers
tab/alt + shift + left Promote a paragraph [When in outline view]
shift + tab/alt + shift + right Demote a paragraph [When in outline view]
ctrl + shift + n Demote a paragraph to body text [When in outline view]
alt + shift + up Move the selected paragraphs up [When in outline view]
alt + shift + down Move the selected paragraphs down [When in outline view]
alt + shift + num+ Expand the text under a heading [When in outline view]
alt + shift + num- Collapse the text under a heading [When in outline view]
alt + shift + a Expand or collapse all headings or texts [When in outline view]
num/ Toggle character formatting [When in outline view]
alt + shift + l Toggle show only first line of body text [When in outline view]
alt + shift + number Show all headings with the specified heading nummer [When in outline view]

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Microsoft Powerpoint

Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
shift + F5 Start presentation from here
F5 Start presentation
ctrl + m Create new slide

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Microsoft Excel

Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
ctrl + pagedown Switch to next Sheet in workbook
ctrl + pageup Switch to previous Sheet in workbook
F4 Switch through anchor mode [When the cursor is within a cell reference]
ctrl + 1 Open the Number Formatting Window [When on cell with Number]
ctrl + 1 Open the Text Formatting Window [When on cell with Text]
ctrl + d Fill Down
ctrl + r Fill Right
ctrl + e Fill Fast
alt + shift + = Insert fast sum of selected range
shift + F3 Open insert function dialogue
tab Complete function name
alt + down Open dropdown for current cell
F3 Open paste name window
ctrl + F3 Open name manager
ctrl + shift + F3 Create name from selection
ctrl + 0 Hide selected columns
ctrl + shift + 0 Show selected columns
ctrl + 9 Hide selected rows
ctrl + shift + 9 Show selected rows
shift + dblclick Set same width/height to auto fit its content for selected cells [When clicking on a column or row division border]
ctrl + t Create table within selection
ctrl + shift + t Toggle total Row [When within a table]
ctrl + ; Insert current date
ctrl + + Open Insert Dialogue
ctrl + - Open Delete Dialogue

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Microsoft Outlook

Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
ctrl + r Reply
ctrl + shift + r Reply to all
ctrl + f Forward message
shift + enter Open selected message in new window [When in email]
ctrl + number Switch to corresponding panel in sidebar
ctrl + u Mark e-mail as unread
ctrl + q Mark e-mail as read
ctrl + enter Send Mail [When in E-Mail Editor]
ctrl + shift + a Create new Appointment

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Microsoft Teams

Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
ctrl + . Show keyboard shortcuts [When in call]
ctrl + shift + s Accept audio call
ctrl + shift + a Accept video call
ctrl + shift + d Decline audio call
ctrl + shift + c Start audio call with current chat
ctrl + shift + u Start video call with current chat
ctrl + shift + m Toggle microphone [When in call]
ctrl + space Toggle mute off temporariley [When in call]
ctrl + shift + o Toggle video cam [When in call]
ctrl + shift + h Exit call [When in call]
ctrl + shift + e Share Screen [When in call]
ctrl + shift + k Raise hand [When in call]
ctrl + number Switch to corresponding view in the left sidebar
alt + up Go to list element above
alt + down Go to list element below
ctrl + shift + h Open navigation history panel
alt + shift + c Focus message input
ctrl + shift + x Expand or minimize message input
ctrl + enter Send message [When in expanded message input]
ctrl + e Focus search bar

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Jupyter Notebook

Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
b Add cell below
a Add cell ontop
x Cut cell
enter Enter cell
escape Exit cell
shift + enter Run this cell
ctrl + enter Run all cells
m Turn cell to markdown
y Turn cell to code

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Adobe General

Adobe offers a lot of programs in the creative sector and these shortcuts apply to most of their software.

Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
v Switch to selection Tool
a Switch to Direct Selection Tool
t Switch to Text Tool
ctrl + y Toggle Intelligent Helper Lines
ctrl + 0 Zoom so canvas fits in screen
ctrl + 1 Zoom to 100%
ctrl + g Group selected elements
ctrl + shift + g Ungroup selected elements
ctrl + shift + z Redo previous undo
alt + arrows/mouse Copy Object
alt + scroll Zoom
tab Toggle Tools and other Windows
ctrl + tab Switch through open files
ctrl + w Close Document
space View Movement Tool
ctrl + alt + p Setup Document

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Adobe Animate

Dont forget to also check out the General Adobe Keyboard Shortcuts.

Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
. Go to next Frame
, Go to previous Frame
shift + . Go to end
shift + , Go to start
alt + . Go to next keyframe
alt + , Go to previouse keyframe

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Adobe Premiere Pro

Dont forget to also check out the General Adobe Keyboard Shortcuts.

Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
shift + ü Maximize Window
v Switch to th select tool
c Switch to the cut tool
a Switch to the track selection to the right tool
y Switch to the slip tool
b Switch to the move cut tool
i Set in
o Set out
x Mark clip
shift + i Go to in
shift + o Go to out
ctrl + shift + x Clear in and out point
m Set marker
shift + m Go to next marker
ctrl + shift + m Go to previous marker
down Go to next clip point
up Go to previous clip point
j Shuttle left (When in clip panel)
k Stop shuttle (When in clip panel)
l Shuttle right (When in clip panel)
space Toggle playback (When in clip panel)
enter Start playback from begining (When in clip panel)
left Go to previous frame (When in clip panel)
right Go to next frame (When in clip panel)
alt + left Move selected clips to the left (When in clip panel)
alt + right Move selected clips to the right (When in clip panel)
alt + up Move selected clips to the layer above (When in clip panel)
alt + down Move selected clips to the layer below (When in clip panel)
ctrl + + Enlargen video layers (When in clip panel)
ctrl + - Shrink video layers (When in clip panel)
alt + + Enlargen audio layers (When in clip panel)
alt + - Shrink audio layers (When in clip panel)
shift + + Maximize all layers, audio and video (When in clip panel)
shift + - Minimize all layers, audio and video (When in clip panel)
ctrl + i Import
ctrl + m Export
ctrl + alt + v Paste attributes
shift + delete Delete selected clips and close ripple
q Trim to the left
w Trim to the right
shift + g Open audio channels (When in clip panel)
g Open audio gain (When in clip panel)
ctrl + r Open speed duration (When in clip panel)
, Open insert prompt (When in clip panel)
shift + e Toggle clip (When in clip panel)
ctrl + l Toggle video and audio connection (When in clip panel)
f Match frame (When in clip panel)
shift + r Reverse match frame (When in clip panel)
ctrl + k Add edit to current track (When in clip panel)
ctrl + shift + k Add edit to all tracks (When in clip panel)
e Extend selected edit to playhead (When in clip panel)
ctrl + d Apply video transition (When in clip panel)
ctrl + shift + d Apply audio transition (When in clip panel)
d Selected all targeted clips beneath playhead (When in clip panel)
ctrl + 0 Toggle targeting for all video layers (When in clip panel)
ctrl + 9 Toggle targeting for all audio layers (When in clip panel)
alt + shift + 0 Reset to saved layout
shift + 9 Open audio clip mixer
shift + 6 Open audio track mixer
shift + 5 Open effect controls
shift + 7 Open effects
shift + 8 Open media browser
shift + 4 Open program monitor
shift + 1 Open Projects
shift + 2 Open source monitor
shift + 3 Open and switch through timelines
ctrl + shift + e Export current frame
ctrl + alt + k Show keyboard shortcuts

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Adobe Illustrator

These shortcuts apply to Adobes wonderful Vector Graphics Software Illustrator. I think it’s really great and I use it a lot. I think you will love it too and if you do, you can use these shortcuts to speed up your workflow. Dont forget to also check out the General Adobe Keyboard Shortcuts.

Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
t Switch to text Tool
p Switch to pen Tool
m Switch to square Tool
i Switch to eyedropper
g Switch to gradient Tool
shift + e Switch to eraser Tool
shift + w Switch to thicken Tool
shift + m Switch to morph Tool
shift + o Switch to artboard Tool
ctrl + alt + a Select artwork in active artboard
ctrl + shift + a Unselect all
ctrl + 2 Lock selection
ctrl + alt + 2 Unlock all locked objects
ctrl + 3 Hide selection
ctrl + alt + 3 Unhide all hidden objects
ctrl + d Reapply a transformation to an object
ctrl + 4 Apply last pathfinder effect on selection
ctrl + shift + m Open move object dialogue
ctrl + alt + shift + m Open the transform each dialogue
ctrl + alt + shift + v Move object one layer forward
ctrl + alt + shift + r Move object one layer back
ctrl + shift + ( Move object to back
ctrl + shift + ) Move object to front
ctrl + shift + v Paste at the same Position
ctrl + f Paste in front of currently selected object
ctrl + b Paste in back of currently selected object
ctrl + shift + k Open color settings
ctrl + k Open preferences
ctrl + alt + shift + k Open keyboard shortcuts
ctrl + shift + p Open place dialogue
ctrl + shift + n Create file from template
ctrl + h Show document template
ctrl + alt + n Create file without dialogue
ctrl + alt + p Open the document setup dialogue
ctrl + alt + e Open the export for screens dialogue
ctrl + r Toggle rulers
ctrl + shift + b Toggle bounding box
ctrl + shift + d Toggle transparence grid
ctrl + shift + h Toggle artboards
f Cycle screen modes
shift + f Switch to presentation Mode
ctrl + alt + 0 Fit artboards to screen
tab Toggle panels
shift + tab Toggle panels except tools and controls
x Toggle fill and stroke
shift + x Swap fill an stroke
d Reset Colors for current Object
ctrl + 7 Create clipping mask with current objects [When having selected atleast two objects]
ctrl + shift + 7 Release clipping mask
shift + d Cycle through drawing modes

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Adobe After Effects

Dont forget to also check out the General Adobe Keyboard Shortcuts.

Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
ctrl + shift + d Split Selected Timeline
shift + mouse Snap align to other layer objects in Timeline

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Adobe Bridge

Dont forget to also check out the General Adobe Keyboard Shortcuts.

Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
ctrl + number Set rating from 1 to 5
alt + delete Reject
ctrl + 0 No rating
left Go to previous image
right Go to next image
ctrl + shift + r Batch rename

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Adobe Lightroom New

Dont forget to also check out the General Adobe Keyboard Shortcuts.

Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
, Toggle movie strip
. Toggle original
g Switch to grid view
d Switch to details view
alt + c Switch to comparison view

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Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
ctrl + alt + m Toggle Code Editor in Post Edit View

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Github Desktop

Githubs Desktop Client

Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
ctrl + shift + a Open current Repository in Editor
ctrl + p Push changes
ctrl + g Focus Summary
ctrl + enter Commit Changes [When the Commit Message is filled out or only one file is staged]

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Obsidian MD

Obsidian is an awesome Markdown based Notetaking tool that I just recently (July 2023) discovered for myself and best of all its also has a lot of keyboard shortcuts. Keep in mind that many shortcuts known from other programs like ctrl + tab also apply here. Also common formatting Keyboards like ctrl + i for emphasised text can be used in Obsidian.

Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
ctrl + p Open Command Palette
arrows Pan around [When in Graph View]
shift + 1 Fit all items into view [When in Canvas File]
shift + 2 Fit current selection into view [When in Canvas File]
ctrl + o Open Quick Switcher
ctrl + alt + left Go back in History
ctrl + alt + right Go forward in History

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Google Workspaces

Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
? Show keyboard shortcuts for this app, works for Calendar, Tasks and Contacts
/ Search

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Google Calendar

Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
p/k Go to previous period
n/j Go to next period
t Go to today
g Go to date
escape Go back to calender view
d Show day view
w Show week view
m Show month view
y Show year view
a Show schedule view
c Create event
e Edit event
delete Delete event
ctrl + s / ctrl + enter Save event
s Open settings

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Google Tasks

Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
up Go to previous task
down Go to next task
escape Go back to task view
space toggle completion
s toggle starred
ctrl + up Move task up
ctrl + down Move task down
c Create task
enter Edit task
delete Delete task

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Google Contacts

Practise these Shortcuts


Shortcut Description
j/right Go to next task
k/left Go to previous task
x Select current row
ctrl + a select all rows in the current list
enter Open contact details
m Merge selected contacts
b Focus page body
ctrl + enter Save changes to contact

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Total Shortcuts: 580

Application with most Shortcuts: Adobe Premiere Pro (68)

Application with least Shortcuts: WordPress (1)

Average Shortcuts per Application: 20.71

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