Maxim Maeder

Hi, my name is Maxim Maeder, a young programming enthusiast looking to have fun coding and teaching you some things about programming.

Also, don’t forget to check out, where my Web Dev Demos and Projects are hosted.

Or my website, where I host a bunch of useful small tools, that I made.

My Programming Journey

How I Started Programming

I started to program in the last year of Highschool (Volksschule here in Switzerland) with webtigerjython, a web-based Python interpreter to teach children programming with a simplified version of the turtle library.

I had a lot of fun learning all the concepts and even made a game with this simple Interface. Later, I also learned Pygame and made some games with it.

Later, I got several Books by Al Sweigart and Eric Mathes, like “Automate the Boring Stuff With Python” and “Python Crash Course”.

YouTube player
My first python game.
Programming with Webtiger jython, a web based python interpreter.
The Quuli Main Image

Programming My First Real Website

When I started my Internship, I got into web development, where I learned about HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and PHP. I like Web Dev because it’s easy to get into, and you can share your stuff better than Python.

So I made my first larger and Public Website in October 2021. is a German quiz website where my friends and I added questions. Despite not knowing the best practices, I had much fun working on this project.

Learning, Learning, Learning …

For the next year, I just learned about Concepts and Functionalities. In January 2022, I started writing articles for two Publications about Python. I even earned a little money here, which made me very Proud. In the Summer of 2022, I started my blog, documenting my Projects and hoping to teach you something. I also read all the articles on, an awesome learning resource.

Writing articles is rather hard, but I’m having a lot of fun, and I hope I can teach you something new!

Then, in February of 2023, I made my own WordPress Plugin to manage my articles hosted on Github as Markdown. I also created a fully custom classic theme for my Blog.

My WordPress Plugin Gitdown that i had a lot of fun programming.

That’s It for now. Let’s see how this continues 😃 …

print() IRL

That’s not all. I have done other funny things, and I don’t know why, but they often relate to printing.

Me and my Quuli Quiz Ad at a Bus Stop in my Area.

At the beginning of my apprenticeship, when I made my quiz website, I took out ads on 3 Bus Stops in my region. That was a unique experience. I designed the ad myself, and I had e-mail contact with the guy from the Ad Agency.

Thereafter I designed a t-shirt in school as part of an assignment; after the project was finished, I thought it would be a waste not to print out the t-shirt, so I went on a website that would make my design for me. Later, I also printed a second t-shirt that I designed privately.

Me and my awesome t-shirt.
The Official Maeder Flag.

Then, in the Summer of 2022, My Father and I designed a flag for us where all his favorite symbols, like a horse and Circus, appear. We also then ordered this design from a local flag printing Company.

In the Autumn of 2023, I started writing for a local newspaper. Until I stopped writing for them in May 2024, I was always very proud when one of my Articles was published.

Later in the Fall of 2023 I joined a Political Party. One year later we held the elections for the cantonal council, where my party won one seat. I helped with the campaign mainly by designing a flyer and of course by managing our website.

Please also take a look at my internship products page.

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